Thursday, June 17, 2010

Art Fun

Zach just reminded me of this interactive Pollock site via an email including nothing more than the link and the phrase "hehe," which I feel describes the fun, kitchy, silly site perfectly. I love the site because it engages people, art lovers and not, in an art related activity, however, this means of creating a Pollock defies the most major innovation that Pollock made to painting: the use of the entire body to paint! To see what I mean, and to counter balance the ridiculousness of the site above, watch the video below that captures Pollock hard at work...


  1. Hate to be the one to tell you this, but your second link is broken...

  2. Not sure who you are, but thanks for looking at my blog and for alerting me the the broken link... I've reposted the video, embedding it into the post this time around. It should work not, so please check it out!
