Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A Happy Space

I'm sorry for my lack of updates recently, I've been busy moving into my new apartment! So, I haven't quite expressed just how terrible my last place was, but as Talia put is best, "this place is like living in camp!" Which, for those of you who don't know, means shoes in the shower, mold growing everywhere, floors so dirty they simply can't be cleaned, no way of washing clothing, virtually no kitchen, and absolutely no closets... you get the picture. But enough of the negativity because this new place is amazing and I'd rather focus on that! And the best part!?! Naomi Telushkin, my best friend from NYC, has just arrived to enjoy my new place with me, and infuse it with positive energy!

Actually, my living situation since arriving in Venice reminds me of a Jewish folk tale that I will share with you:

A poor man lived with his wife and six children in a very small home. They were always getting in each other's way and there was so little space they could hardly breathe! The man went to the rabbi to ask for advice regarding the overcrowding. The rabbi told the man to bring all of his cows and chickens into his home to live with him and his family. The poor man was astonished to hear this advice from the rabbi, but did as the rabbi said. The next day the poor man ran back to see the rabbi and said, "What have you done to me, Rabbi? My life is absolutely terrible now!" The rabbi responded, "Go home now and take the animals out of your house." The poor man did as the Rabbi said and the next day he came running back to the rabbi and with a big smile on his face he said, "Thank you rabbi, our house is so quiet and spacious now, we are so grateful!"

Check out this short tour of my new apartment, which I made using the FLIP my Abbagave me for Hanukkah!

*Oops, the video file is too large for me to upload with my dinky internet - I will upload it as soon as I make to to an internet cafe. Thanks for your patience!*

1 comment:

  1. Yes< I want to check out your new apartment. How do I open your flip?
